Multifaceted Design Practioner

Hi I'm Isha Hans.


I’m a Design thinker and practitioner with 7+ years of experience. Three things to know about my work:

  1. I have managed to include research in all my design roles even when my job descriptions didn't come with them. This is because I don't believe in the 'Researcher' and 'Designer' role dichotomy as two distinct pursuits separate from each other.
  2. My biggest strength is Strategic Research and Design, that is, creating synergy between research insights, product and business decisions to provide future direction. I have successfully tested this skill in two settings: new Product innovation for a venture-building team and Product strategy for a series B startup. 
  3. I have worked in a variety of settings, ranging from an IC to collaborating in small design teams to leading research, insights, and design for a multi-disciplinary team. By working in various settings, I have learned to be an effective bridge between product, business, and technical teams.

My favorite role was a Founder in Residence for an S&P 500 company from 2020 to 2021. I leveraged my hybrid skills in research, design and business acumen to create an early-stage AI-based startup (US obtainable market of $100M). 

Currently, I'm working solo on a common password management problem through a human-centered approach, contrary to the industry's tech-centric focus on the problem. If you'd like to learn more reach out to me here.

I'm most proud of my ability to adapt. I've started from scratch 6 times to build a life and design community in 8 cities, spanning 4 countries. These experiences come with a unique set of challenges and have taught me to be resilient yet flexible.



My Approach

My approach is to shun the dichotomy between a researcher and a designer. All my professional experiences have one thing in common: conducting primary research to drive insights and inform design, even when my job description doesn't entail any research responsibilities. 

Additionally, I'm a systems thinker with a deep understanding of both technology and business strategy. I can effectively communicate with technical as well as business stakeholders thereby bridging the gap that often exists between the two. This ability has helped me successfully lead teams during 0 to 1 of an innovation.


A glimpse of my world...


See something interesting or just want to say hi?

Feel free to reach out! 

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All content are exclusively for private use.

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